Loss Journey - Cyberpunk 2077
So if you ask me what's the most talked about game of the year, cyberpunk always wins it, because the gaming audience had high hopes for the game that was created for almost 7 years, and the Cd project company that created cyberpunk by releasing game trailers over the years has been intriguing gamers for years. For a long time,
So even though the game was released on the 10th of December, the cd project did not get the expected positive response from the gaming audience, because the game was released on the 10th full of bugs and glitches,But talking about the game, the team, including the creative director 'Adom Bdowski', had a gameplay style game that could have a relatively different experience.The graphics are relatively good, but due to the game's shortcomings, a lot of shortcomings have been highlighted. At the same time, they even managed to get a good response from gamers.So the update sent by Cd project had fixed some of the big bugs in the game
So another bad review of the game was that the game had less optimization for ps4 and xbox, so the players had to play the game with less graphics and lower fps.
With this incident, the cd project on December 14 expressed its regret over the inconvenience caused by the official twitter account and hopes to rectify the mistakes as soon as possible.
Speaking of the game again, Cyberpunk has managed to break several records and become the best-selling game of Steam Autumn, with more than a million players playing in the first hour of the game's release on December 10th. Date. The highest arrival date for steam was 220 million, and pre-game injections overwhelmed spectators.So the cd project company had to incur an unexpected loss due to the game with a 29% decrease in the stock market value of that company.
Lastly, a game that has been developed for seven years is not as good as it used to be, but the cd project is a company that released games like witcher, so you can look forward to the game, because of the cost of fixing the bug due to the loss, etc. You might think you can't,So,even if the game is already cracked, those who can buy the game will be helped in the future work of the game! We hope that in the future we will be able to play a good game with at least bugs!
පාඩු මතින් දිවෙන ගමන-Cyberpunk 2077
ඉතින් මේ අවුරුද්දෙ වැඩිපුරම කතාවුන game එක මොකක්ද කියලා ඇහුවොත් cyberpunk නිතරගෙන් එය ජයගන්නවා,මොකද කිව්වොත් වසර 7කට ආසන්න කාලයක් නිර්මාණය වුන game එක ගැන gaming Audience එක සෑහෙන බලාපොරොත්තු තියාගෙන හිටියා,ඒ අවුරුදු ගණනාවෙම game trailers නිකුත් කරමින් cyberpunk නිර්මාණය කළ Cd project ආයතනය gamersලගෙ කුතුහලය වසර ගණනාවක් තිස්සේ ඇතිකලා,
ඉතින් ගේම් එකගැන තවත් Bad reviews එන්න බලපාපු කාරනයක් උනේ Game එක ps4සහ xbox සදහා තිබූ අඩු optimiseකම,මේ නිසා game එක අඩු graphics සහ low fps යටතේ play කිරීමට playersලට සිදුවුනා මේ සිද්ධිත් එක්ක දෙසැම්බර් 14වෙනිදා cd projectලා නිල twitter ගිණුම මගින් සිදුවන අපහසුතාවය පිළිබද කණගාවටුව ප්රකාශ කරන බවත්,සිදු වූ වැරදි ඉක්මනින් යථාතත්වයට පත්කිරීමට අපේක්ශාකරන බවත්,ප්රකාශ කර තිබුනා, ඉතින් playstation මගින් ක්රීඩා කිරීමේදී ඇතිවන අපහසුතාවය හේතුකොටගෙන Sony ආයතනය විසින්,Cd project ආයතනය සමග සිදුකල සාකච්ඡා වලදී දෙපාර්ශවයේම එකගතාවය මත playstation store එකෙන් game එක ඉවත් කරගැනීමට තීරණය කරනවා,ඉතින් game එකේ digital version එක විතරයි මේ විදිහට අයින් කරන්න කටයුතු කලේ,physical version එක තවමත් මිලදී ගැනීමට හැකියාව තියෙනවා.Cd projectගත් තවත් යහපත් තීරණයක් වශයෙන් playstation platform එක යටතේ game එක මිලදී ගත් playersලට game එක මිලදී ගැනීම සදහා වියදම් කල මුදල නැවත ලබාදීමටත් තීරණයකට එළැඹෙනවා,